Hey Mom! It was so great getting your DearElder letter a few days ago (that really is the best way cuz then I can spend all 30 minutes of my weekly email time responding instead of reading them... I only have 13 minutes left!!!) so keep on doing that as long as I'm in the MTC! and plus it's just fun to get an actual letter with your name on it. P-Day is GREAT! We went to the temple this morning, which was awesome, I didn't see grandma but a sweet lady said she would give her my love (we're at the temple from 7-10 and grandma doesn't come in till 11). Laundry time is in 2 hours, YAY! We've been teaching an investigator in Spanish and it has been slow, but really good, I am learning SO MUCH just through experience, it has been really good for me, I'm excited to push myself even more as the weeks continue. Top bunk is working out great (AAH 10 minutes left!) the food is delicious and we can eat as much as we want! ...but don't worry, I've been realy good :) no sodas or breads and only 1 cooking a day.... :D ...their cookies are reaaaallllly good... My clothes are great! ...but.... could you maybe send me that brown skirt that I refused to bring even though you said I should? and also one more t-shirt? that Smith Family one would be great, I'm realizing that the couple I brought aren't quite enough. Oh! and also a little mirror, like that little round one that I left somewhere in my room (probably on the floor) with sunflowers on the back :) GYM is awesome, it's really pushing me to participate in sports (kind of a foreign concept to me...), I found out that I'm pretty good at basketball... I'm learning new things every day! I've already seen a hand-full of Missionaries from my mission prep class at BYUI, which as been great! and Sarah even smuggled me a box from Cindy during dinner last night! It is so great to see some familiar faces here. My time is almost up, but I just have to tell you that I love you MOSTER-IST!!!
Please tell Jena:
Thank you for your letters, they are a constant strength to me. Especially that first one, I want you to know that I take so much strength in the fact that you've been here and done this before. I love you SO and I'll send you a letter with more details, i just don't have time right now!
YOU STINKER! :P thanks for the letter you snuck into my luggage, I love you sooooo much. PLEASE send me your address so I can write you, emailing just takes too much time, and If you can get a hold of cassy's address too, that would be great!
So good to see she's doing great! Must be time to write her a letter! :)